Joanna Gizgier


spa banquet treatments

What are banquet treatments? A conversation with a cosmetologist

Carnival is underway. We want to have fun, party, meet with friends, have a good time. When going to a carnival ball, we meticulously browse the offers of hotels and banquet halls. The place is chosen, the partner at your side is ready, it's time to think about yourself. In this article we will tell you which banquet treatments, including facial treatments in the SPA, are worth investing in to dazzle everyone at the carnival. Natalia Śpiewak, a cosmetologist at the Institute of...
conference in a spa hotel

Conferences in SPA? How to combine business with pleasure

Spotkania biznesowe i konferencje bywają bardzo wyczerpujące. Stąd pobyt w SPA na zakończenie dnia może wpłynąć zbawiennie zarówno na nasze samopoczucie psychiczne, jak i fizyczne. Co więcej – może też przychylnie nastawić do nas klientów i kontrahentów. Konferencje SPA to także świetna motywacja dla naszych pracowników. Poważna konferencja a SPA? Czy to się nie wyklucza? Pewnie hasło „konferencja” albo „spotkanie biznesowe” wielu osobom kojarzy się ze zmęczeniem, stresem i spięciem....
business meetings at the hotel

9 rules for a good business meeting

Biznes jest dziedziną, w której nie da się działać w pojedynkę. Nawet jeśli nie zatrudniasz pracowników – potrzebujesz klientów i kontrahentów. Dlatego spotkania z nimi są nie do uniknięcia, a od ich przebiegu wiele w twoim biznesie zależy. Stąd – dobrze wiedzieć, na co zwrócić uwagę, aby jak najwięcej osób dowiedziało się o prowadzonej przez ciebie firmie i by poznało ją od jak najlepszej strony. 1. Spotkanie biznesowe...
business etiquette in a hotel

Rules of business etiquette, or corporate savoir-vivre

Especially in business, the saying fully applies: "as they see you, so they write you", so we must be aware that both our potential customers and clients evaluate us through the prism of every, even the smallest detail - from handshake and clothes to the decor of the conference room included. Therefore - if we want the assessment to be positive - we must take the appropriate steps to make it happen. First contact at the meeting...
best spa treatments

Top 5 spa treatments you must try!

In autumn, winter, spring and summer, this place is worth visiting. For short vacations and longer vacations. For weekend battery recharging and weekend relaxation. This place is a spa hotel. Since you take care of your appearance all year round, this time you can do it in a temple of beauty, in the best spa of course. In this article we will reveal what the best spa hotels on the lake have, we will also reveal the top 5 spa treatments you can enjoy....

Conference at your hotel? Check out the best spa packages for groups

Stressful speeches, long hours, sleepy lectures. Conferences can be tiring, and if they last a few days, they can squeeze the last vital forces out of a person. Business meetings do not have to be associated with boredom, routine and stiff atmosphere. When organizing a conference in a spa hotel, take care of the relaxing element, the entertainment, that something, that wow effect. Let it be a pleasant session in the spa, dedicated to business spa packages for groups. In this article...
bachelorette party at the spa

Ideas for a bachelorette party in SPA

Your best friend is about to be married! On her ring finger, a diamond ring sparkles. During your meetings over coffee, you plan every detail of the wedding and reception. After all, this is the most important day in your friend's life, and everything has to be perfect and polished. Take your friend away from the wedding preparations for a moment and organize for her an unforgettable hen night at the spa. It will be something! Such a goodbye to the single status for sure...
hotel with a conference room

Hotel with a conference room! Lodz surprises with its offer

Running a business comes with a lot of responsibilities. Running a business is not just about working and paying salaries. Training and business conferences are necessary for the company to function well. Company event can be a combination of what is necessary with integration and a moment of relaxation from the employees, but to succeed in this you need the right place. So where to organize such corporate events? In this article we will tell you how to choose the best business ...
spa slimming treatments

Take care of your slim figure - slimming treatments in SPA

A slim figure, without cellulite and unnecessary fat is the aspiration of almost every woman. Nowadays overweight and lack of fitness are definitely not in fashion. The problem with appearance becomes more acute especially during vacations, when the body needs to be shown in skimpy summer dresses or swimsuits. What's more - slim figure does not mean at all: a well-groomed body. Therefore, in order to really look good, we should take...
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