Joanna Gizgier


honeymoon to a spa hotel

Honeymoon at a spa hotel

Spa hotels are very popular for romantic dinners, wedding anniversaries and weekends for two. It is an ideal place for all events related to the celebration of important dates and weddings. Because it is here that you can organize an elegant wedding reception, a hen night and... a honeymoon. So far you have associated this trip with exotic vacations? The epidemiological situation, and the consequent closure of borders, will force newlyweds to seek travel offers...
where to have an outdoor wedding

Where to hold an outdoor wedding and reception?

Does every little girl dream of having a fairy tale wedding and wearing a white dress? There is something in these wedding stories. Every bride certainly cares about a unique celebration. It's supposed to be magical, just as you dreamed it would be. The wedding industry allows these dreams to come true, realizing the most imaginative wedding ideas. We will tell you the recipe for an outdoor wedding and reception. This is the undisputed leader among wedding trends. How much does a wedding cost...
where to organize training

Where is the best place to train employees?

Większość pracodawców chce mieć wysoko wykwalifikowaną kadrę, ale nie kwapi się zbytnio, by o to należycie zadbać. A aby tak się stało, potrzeba w umiejętności pracowników zainwestować, zwłaszcza z uwagi na to, że każda firma ma swoją specyfikę funkcjonowania, i niejednokrotnie do osiągnięcia wybranych celów potrzebuje kwalifikacji, których nie można nabyć w innej placówce. Pracownicy potrzebują szkoleń Jeśli chcemy mieć lojalnych, dobrze wykwalifikowanych pracowników –...
may weekend at the spa

Weekend in May in the SPA

Dbanie o urodę to nieodzowna aktywność każdej kobiety. W mniejszym lub większym stopniu większość z nas troszczy się o swój wygląd i chciałaby być atrakcyjna. Jednak w wirze codziennych spraw i obowiązków nie zawsze udaje nam się osiągać optymalny efekt, zwłaszcza, że nie zawsze mamy dostęp do fachowej pomocy i odpowiednich preparatów. Stąd – warto pomyśleć o weekendzie majowym w SPA. Zadbany wygląd to ważny atut Choć niektórzy twierdzą, że uroda...
voucher for spa treatments

Kup voucher na zabiegi do SPA

Don't have a vacation date picked out? Nothing lost. You can book a hotel stay today without specifying a date. How do you do it? It's simple - you can buy a voucher to the hotel for selected services. Especially for you we have reviewed the most interesting proposals for spa day packages for women, which you can order now in the form of vouchers. Choose the hotel, the amount and buy a voucher Types of gift vouchers These treatments you must use!....
las minute lakeside vacations

We reveal the recipe for last minute vacations in Poland

Ze względu na pandemię, możecie zapomnieć o planowanych wakacjach zagranicznych? Czy to oznacza, że w tym roku nici z urlopu? Kto powiedział, że wakacje w Polsce nie mogą być równie atrakcyjne i udane co tydzień w Grecji? No właśnie, macie jeszcze sporo czasu, żeby zarezerwować wakacje last minute w Polsce. Nasza propozycja? Rodzinne, pełne atrakcji wakacje w Polsce nad Jeziorem Sulejowskim. Wakacje last minute Urlop nad Jeziorem Sulejowskim Oferta...
hotel for a team building trip for companies

Choosing a good place for a team building event

Any month is a good month to organize team-building events for your employees. To hear after the event that it was the best employee party ever, you need to prepare well for it. Take care of a lot of details, choose the form of the event and, most importantly, choose a good venue for the team-building event. In a moment we will tell you what hotel to choose for a company integration trip. All ready for the best integration ever? A hotel for a team-building trip for the company....
family package at a lakeside hotel

Choosing the best family package at a lakeside hotel

We spend holidays with our families, celebrate birthdays, name days and wedding anniversaries. Why not spend weekends away from home together? If you can't organize a vacation together, think about a weekend trip to a spa hotel. For a family, every moment spent together is worth its weight in gold. Are the kids growing up and planning holidays with their friends? Book a really great family package at a lakeside hotel. For such a trip ...
romantic weekend in a spa hotel

Romantic weekend in a spa hotel near Warsaw

What do lovers do in their free time? They rest in bed, cook together, clean together. They book tables in romantic restaurants. In general, they focus on spending time together, on having fun together. Like, they are in love. But how much time can you spend within four walls and still visit the same places? Why not try a romantic weekend in a spa hotel? Near Warsaw, near Lodz, near Cracow. This is the main condition. Do not take the easy way out and go ...
organization of a team-building event at the hotel

Organizing a team building event in a hotel. How much does it cost?

Behind the success of any business are the people. Employees of the company, who as a team fight every day for the satisfaction of customers, the laurels of consumers, awards of recognition in the industry. Probably no one needs to be convinced that the organization of training and integration events for employees is an investment that will pay off. If you are facing the challenge of creating such an event for your company, start with the budget and our article. Because in it we will reveal how much it really costs...
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