Advice from a spa & wellness institute


skin regeneration after winter

How to regenerate skin after winter? Skin Care Tips

Nie ulega wątpliwości, że zima to trudny czas dla skóry. Zazwyczaj osłabia ona jej kondycję i wygląd, a przez to pogarsza nasze samopoczucie. Zmienne temperatury, mróz, wiatr, kilka warstw ubrań i centralne ogrzewanie sprawiają, że skóra znacznie traci na swej urodzie, a my nie czujemy się z nią dobrze. Nie jest to jednak stan, którego nie możemy zmienić. Istnieje wiele sposobów, by sytuację polepszyć. Jeśli...
day spa New Year's Eve at the hotel

An idea for New Year's Eve? SPA hotel

A house party, a club party, a trip to the mountains, or maybe a quiet New Year's Eve at a spa hotel? There is no shortage of ideas for welcoming the New Year. Somewhere around mid-November, we begin a thorough search for a place for an unforgettable New Year's Eve party. The search as time goes by is limited to the number of attractions, budget, location. And so we ultimately stay at home with a glass of champagne and a televised New Year's Eve. This year it doesn't have to be that way. New Year's Eve at a spa hotel. ...
how to protect yourself from UV radiation

How do I protect my skin from UV radiation?

ABC of skin protection To avoid the unpleasant consequences of staying in the sun (and the most common complications include: burns, skin discoloration and excessive drying) - first of all, we should limit its exposure to sunlight, especially to excessive tanning. During intense heat, it is necessary to stay in the shade as much as possible, cover the body with clothes (airy) and absolutely remember about covering the head. We should also not forget to drink plenty of water, which will protect us from the sun.
trip to the spa with children

A trip to the spa with children? Is it a good idea?

This is the question you've probably been asking yourself. The necessity of taking care of small children has more than once put you in a dilemma - whether to stay at home or allow yourself to relax (especially when you could not "drop off" your kids to someone). For many parents, going to a spa for a weekend with children may seem like a pipe dream. Meanwhile, it's enough to find a family-friendly hotel. A spa with children - it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive!...

5 ideas for a weekend at a lakeside spa hotel

If you had two days off. Two days off from work, children, daily chores. Two days to escape out of town, to a place where time flows pleasantly slowly. Where would you like to spend those two precious days? At home in front of the TV? Or in a cozy spa hotel with a pool by the lake? The choice is obvious. Check out our 5 ideas for a weekend at a spa hotel on the lake. It will be fabulous. Where to look for a good hotel...
spa treatments in autumn

How to effectively take care of your health and beauty during the fall season?

Autumn is a special time of year. On the one hand, we are relaxed and filled with positive energy after the summer holidays, and on the other hand - quite quickly we begin to feel tired and melancholy, which is influenced by the deteriorating weather and shorter and colder days. Therefore, it is worth looking for SPA treatments that will help us survive this difficult period. SPA treatments in the autumn After summer vacations and vacation attractions, autumn usually...

Kinesiotaping, or dynamic patching - how does it work?

Łatwy w zastosowaniu i skuteczny sposób na złagodzenie bólu? Kinesiotaping (plastrowanie dynamiczne) może Ci pomóc! Jest to sprawdzony i nieskomplikowany sposób nie tylko na radzenie sobie z bólem, ale również na zapobieganie kontuzjom. O jego niezawodności świadczy fakt, że jest chętnie używany przez znanych sportowców. A zatem – zanotuj te nazwy i zapytaj o nie w gabinecie specjalisty: kinesiotaping/plastrowanie dynamiczne. Na czym polega kinesiotaping? Kineziotaping polega na oklejaniu bolących miejsc specjalnie do tego...

Spa treatments for men? Why not!

Przecież to żaden wstyd! Każdy na tej planecie chce wyglądać dobrze, atrakcyjnie. Również panowie. Gabinety kosmetyczne i SPA kojarzą nam się wyłącznie z kobietami. A to klasyczny stereotypowy błąd. Mężczyźni w SPA i salonach urody przestają być tematem tabu. Instytuty SPA nie tracą czasu i chętnie rozszerzają zakres usług o zabiegi przeznaczone dla Panów. I choć nie jeden z Was Panowie, przyzna, że to krępujące, wstydliwe i,...
how to prepare your skin for summer

Get your skin ready for summer - tips from the experts

Zanim odpowiemy na pytanie, jak przygotować skórę na lato, warto zastanowić się, jak optymalnie powinna ona wyglądać. Najczęściej wymienia się trzy cechy ładnej skóry: jędrność, odpowiednie nawilżenie i gładkość. Do tego należy dodać również koloryt, choć na ten nie zawsze mamy wpływ. Generalnie jednak warto podkreślić, że nasza skóra mocno odzwierciedla ogólny stan naszego zdrowia, sposobu odżywiania i trybu życia, jaki prowadzimy. Stąd –...
spa massage

Check out how effective a spa massage is.

Loss of skin firmness, wrinkle problem, muscle tension, stressful lifestyle, back pain. Is there a miracle cure for all these ailments? Of course there is, and it's available to everyone. Really. Its price does not knock you off your feet, it is painless, non-invasive and really pleasant. What is this treatment that has such a versatile application? We are talking about relaxing massage. Don't you believe in its properties? Or maybe you just got into the hands of an unprofessional...
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