Check out how effective a spa massage is.

spa massage

Loss of skin firmness, wrinkle problem, muscle tension, stressful lifestyle, back pain. Is there a miracle cure for all these ailments? Of course there is, and it's available to everyone. Really. Its price does not knock you off your feet, it is painless, non-invasive and really pleasant.

What is it about this treatment that has such versatile applications? We are talking about relaxation massage. 

Did you not believe in its properties? Or maybe you just ended up in the hands of an unprofessional massage therapist? A well-executed relaxation massage brings relief after the first session, and when combined with another treatment, such as a weight loss treatment, it can work wonders.

Table of Contents:

  1. The effective power of a relaxing massage
  2. Types of massage
  3. Wskazania i przeciwwskazania – czyli dla kogo masaż?

Relaxing massage good for everything

Such treatment can be performed in massage parlors, beauty salons and in SPA. In this article, we will focus on massages at the spa. Why exactly there? SPA&Wellness institute is a temple of relaxation. Staying in such a place literally, has a soothing effect on every painful part of the body. Suitable interior, SPA located outside the city, around the massage chair a lot of colorful candles. Plus pleasant relaxing music and a relaxing massage in the SPA. This is how you can regenerate your strength. I already mentioned in the introduction that a relaxing massage heals sore and tense muscles. It is also a pleasure for the body and soul.

An effective back and facial massage will not only soothe your pain, but also help you forget about your stress and troubles. This is extremely valuable with the crazy and fast pace of life we lead.

massage in magellan hotel spa

Types of massages. Which one to choose?

Stroking, kneading, gentle rubbing, patting. These are just some of the techniques for performing a relaxation massage. Depending on the client's needs, the massage therapist chooses the appropriate technique. Do we want to relax and unwind? Let's choose the stroking and kneading technique.

Do you want to get rid of cellulite and stimulate circulation? In this case, gentle rubbing and patting will be an effective technique.  What else to pay attention to when looking for a spa to relax in?

  • An effective massage should last about an hour.
  • The person giving the massage should use slow movements with appropriate cosmetics.

Classics are key

Classical massage is performed with the whole hand. It effectively improves circulation and relaxes.

The masseur uses several techniques here: vigorous massaging, rubbing, kneading. It is certainly not a painful procedure and the patient feels relaxed and rejuvenated.

Massage with herbal stamps

This massage effectively combats muscle pain and feelings of fatigue. The patient after the massage feels not only relaxed but gets a strong energy "kick". What is a massage with herbal stamps?

It is performed with warm oil and hot aromatic herbal stamps. In which the age-old recipe includes lemongrass, camphor and turmeric, among others.

relaxing massage in spa

Volcanic stones

This is actually my favorite:)

Hot or cold volcanic stones are placed on the patient's body, usually on the back. And these are not just any stones. Relaxation massage with hot stones, calms and strengthens immunity. Yes it is possible! The whole secret lies in the Far Eastern theory of chakras, or energy centers. The masseur places the stones on the patient's body, along the energy channel. So that the precious energy flows through the whole body. Magical sensations.

spa massage

Chocolate massage

This relaxing massage works on all the senses. Expressly improves the mood and, best of all, leaves a beautiful sweet scent on the skin. Precious chocolate warms up the body wonderfully and moisturizes our skin. You have to strongly restrain yourself from licking off the sweetness 😉 .

Warm candlelight massage

An extremely pleasant and fragrant relaxation massage. This unusual treatment is performed with warm oil from a burning candle. Candle flame massage is dedicated to tired and stressed people.

relaxing massage in the spa of magellan hotel

Indian massage

In performing this massage, essential oils are used. The massage therapist performs intense movements on the patient's body, focusing on specific points on the body. Massage with Ayurveda elements will stimulate everyone.

A relaxing massage for everyone?

Tak, masażu relaksacyjnego może spróbować każdy. Pamiętajcie, że nie jest to zabiegi leczniczy, dlatego na masaż w SPA może sobie pozwolić każdy. Przeciwwskazania dotyczą jedynie osób z chorobami krążenia oraz kobiet w ciąży ( nie wszystkie techniki można stosować u ciężarnych). Masaże w SPA polecamy szczególnie osobom zestresowanym i zmęczonym.

Instead of taking medicine for your nerves, go for a relaxing massage. For a moment you will forget about the hardships of life, and what is even more important... a relaxing massage will significantly improve the appearance of our skin.

Szukacie dla siebie miejsca gdzie będzie mogli wykonać masaż z naszej listy? Zajrzyjcie do oferty Instytutu SPA& Wellness Hotelu MagellanYou will also find specialty massages there.

relaxing massage in spa