Hotel with a conference room! Lodz surprises with its offer

hotel with a conference room

Running a business comes with a lot of responsibilities. Running a business is not just about working and paying salaries. Training and business conferences are necessary for the company to function well. Company event can be a combination of what is necessary with integration and a moment of relaxation from the employees, but to succeed in this you need the right place. So where to organize such corporate events? In this article we will tell you how to choose the best business hotel for a conference or a team-building event.

Table of Contents:

  1. Hotel with a conference room? Lodz is a good point.
  2. What should every good conference room have?
  3. Important questions before submitting a bid

Hotel with a conference room! Lodz surprises with its offer

These days, salary is not the only motivation when looking for a new job. Salary is of course the most important thing for people working for a company, but there are still a number of additional aspects that a good employer should offer its employees. One of them is the organization of trainings and company events. The job market requires constant acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Training is extremely important for the development of the company and employees, but everyone deserves some rest and a moment of relaxation. To be able to provide your staff with quality training and at the same time take care of their rest, regeneration and integrations, you need to find a multi-purpose conference and training center.

SPA hotel with a conference room

What to look for when choosing a hotel with a conference room

Wybór odpowiedniego centrum konferencyjnego nie jest prosty. Osoba odpowiadająca za organizację eventu musi poważnie się zastanowić czego oczekuje od ośrodka, który będzie gotów przyjąć pracowników firmy. Same szkolenia to nie wszystko, warto zadbać o integracje załogi oraz o wyżywienie i noclegi, ponieważ nie każdy będzie miał blisko do domu. Oto najważniejsze czynniki do sprawdzenia przed wyborem odpowiedniego hotelu z salą konferencyjną. Przed Wami nasz przewodnik, który podpowie Wam na co zwrócić uwagę przy rezerwacji sali na konferencję.


The conference center should be in a place that is accessible to every employee. It is known that we will not get along with everyone equally, since people working in the company may come from different corners of Poland. It is important that the choice of a hotel with a conference room does not become a serious transportation problem for someone. The Lodz region is located in the very center of Poland, which is a great location for any kind of event for your company. In case you need to pull employees from extreme areas of Poland, choosing this province is the best solution so that no one will feel the hardship of a long journey. Saying: "let's meet somewhere in the middle" perfectly captures the compromise needed when organizing corporate events.

Once you have chosen the right location for your event, there are a number of other aspects that remain to prove a good location hotel with a conference room. Suitable center should be located on the outskirts, not in the city center to avoid unnecessary hustle and bustle with which we have to deal every day. A trip for a company event should not be just a necessity, but also a pleasure and a chance to relax from everyday duties. Forests, lake ... simply nature has a positive effect on the concentration of employees and reduces the amount of stress. A lot of hotels with a conference room have unfavorable surroundings, it is worth considering facilities that are located in the vicinity of beautiful nature.

Meeting room equipment

Another item on the "to check" list is the conference room facilities at the hotel. A good resort should have a wide range of meeting rooms to ensure that the meetings are of full quality and conducted in a comfortable environment. A professional conference center must be prepared to split up groups for modular activities, or accommodate large numbers of participants for an important presentation. The rooms should be able to accommodate both small and large groups. Each room must have professional audio equipment, so that the speaker can be perfectly heard. Multimedia facilities are not just about sound. A hotel with a conference room should be properly equipped in terms of video, so that you can present multimedia presentations or video materials in good quality. If the training room meets the above points, it is worth finding out whether the participants will feel comfortable. Long hours of classes are bad for the well-being of employees, so very important are comfortable seats, and air flow so that the room does not become stuffy. These aspects prove that a hotel with a conference room is not equal to... a hotel with a conference room.

Accommodation and Catering

Training alone is not enough. Organizing a corporate event without providing accommodation for employees is risky. First of all, it is impossible to conduct a valuable conference, when we are constantly haunted by the sound of a ticking clock. It is often difficult to meet all the points of the event in one day. The conference center should offer accommodation. Comfortable rooms will allow your team to calm down and recharge their energy for the next day of training. When arranging the details of the reservation, ask the representative of the hotel, if there is a possibility of discounts on accommodation, for larger groups. Very often the offer provides discounts for business. According to a study conducted by the company Dailyfruits as many as 75 % respondents claim that hunger at work affects their efficiency. To prevent this, a hotel with a conference room should also be a hotel with a great restaurant! Every employee must have the possibility to eat a hot meal. It is worth finding out whether it is possible to deliver snacks to the rooms, or provide unlimited access to coffee and tea during breaks. Catering offer in the conference center also gives the opportunity to organize dinner, which will be a very nice culmination of training.

Attractions for employees

Even if you have a team of only competent employees, it will not be effective without a good atmosphere. Everyone should feel a part of the company, so integration is key to the success of your business. A good training center must be prepared to provide attractions for guests. Field games, grill amphitheater or fun in the club room is something that your employees will remember for a long time. Is your event taking place in a spa hotel? This is great. Think about spa packages for your guests already during the quotation phase. A hot stone massage? Relaxation in the jacuzzi? Facial treatments? That's what a corporate conference with SPA treatments? Any takers? Maybe when booking a facility for this business event you can negotiate a special discount for relaxation at the Institute SPA&Wellness.

Professional service

A qualified staff that is available for the duration of the training is essential. The organization of a corporate event involves a number of organizational problems. A hotel with a conference room should appoint a supervisor for your event, thanks to whom everything will go as it should. It is worth finding out whether there is an event organizer among the resort's offerings, who will shower you with ideas for the course of the entire event. The hotel should take full care of every aspect of the event, including properly marking rooms, venues and showing care and interest in the needs of guests.

How do you know that exactly the one spotted spa Will you be able to organize a conference at the highest level? This is not difficult. We read reviews, industry portals, talk to a person from the hotel dedicated to business events. A good, experienced resort certainly has a special team for business events, including the conference organizer.

Conference in a SPA hotel

What should I ask about when booking a hotel with a conference room?

Having a good understanding of the booking details is essential. Contact with the representative of the conference center should be a partnership. This person is responsible for adjusting the offer to our needs, but it is worth making sure of several aspects. Discounts for large groups are a big savings, when booking meeting roomsespecially when combining training services with entertainment and lodging. Flexibility in catering for people with a vegan or gluten-free diet. If we care about intimacy, it is worth asking whether at the same time there will not be training for another company, so that there will be more people in the center. A good tip is to prepare a schedule of expectations in the form of a table and conduct a conversation according to our scheme. Thanks to this we will put all matters in order and no important question should escape us. Looking for a spa hotel with a conference room Hotel Magellan *** is a center with many years of experience in organizing corporate events. You can find the offer for business here.