How to promote hotel conferences on the Internet?

Conference organization is quite a challenge. The list of tasks is sizable, time is scarce, and the appetite for the success of the event is considerable. Preparing the program, the budget, booking the hotel, the list of speakers and, finally, promoting the conference at the hotel. Do you know how to effectively promote your event so that tickets sell out to the last piece? Find the answer in this article.

Table of Contents:

  1. Hotel conference promotion - where to start?
  2. Advertising activities on the Internet

Conference promotion at the hotel

Someone once said, not without reason, that advertising is the lever of commerce. He was right, there is a lot of truth in that. Today no one can imagine selling without advertising on the Internet anymore.

Advertising on radio, television or print is not only nightmarishly expensive, but also inaccurate in reaching your target audience. E-marketing is currently the most effective and frequently chosen promotional channel. It will also work well for hotel conference promotion. You don't have to hire an advertising agency and pack huge budgets into online advertising. Anyone can advertise online. Also use traditional marketing activities to promote your conference. Combining these activities will increase your conference sales and bring image benefits. Engage partners and conference sponsors to promote the conference at your hotel.

All hands on the primer!

Where to promote yourself? And don't ruin yourself

Social media are huge advertising platforms today.

Social media sites include: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Start promoting your hotel conference by setting up company profiles in these media. The aforementioned Facebook is today the third Internet search engine next to Google and Youtube. It is on the blue profile that we look for information and reviews about the company. The conclusion is simple, in social media you simply have to be.

Your hotel's conference promotion plan should also include email marketing activities. Trzeci rodzaj reklamy w Internecie to platforma Google Adwords. System reklamowy Google pozwala na reklamę w sieci wyszukiwania oraz w sieci reklamowej.

Let's explore all the possibilities in more detail.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram

Company profiles set up on social media are our business cards online.

You will post company successes, new products, new services and events, including conferences, on your profiles. As part of the promotion of the conference at the hotel, you will conduct communications (i.e., post). That is, upload photos and videos and text posts to your profile. This is content that will attract fans, i.e. your potential customers.

Post photos of conference preparations, speaker list development, meetings with sponsors. These are supposed to be short announcements like "We are working on the conference program, we will soon reveal who is on the list of speakers "stay tuned". Shoot short videos of your preparations and upload them to Instagram and Twitter.

Use pictures and short texts to tell your company's story. Good content will find appreciation from your audience, who will comment and share your posts. It's free viral advertising!

How else do you promote conferences at your hotel?

For Facebook and Instagram, use a paid advertising system. In the advertising panel you will precisely define your target audience and with the information about the conference you will reach an engaged audience interested in the topics of your conference. In your advertising posts, inform your audience about the last available seats, promotions for tickets, countdown to the big day. Such advertising messages engage your audience more strongly.

There is still the financial issue. How much do you have to spend on conference promotions? Consider how much you want to spend on advertising on FB and Instagram. A sponsored post can be let go for as little as a few dozen zlotys. For more information, see the official Facebook Ads guide.

Press release

Your event is important, relevant and interesting enough to make journalists want to write about it? That's great, send a press release to the relevant editors.

If your conference is national, don't limit yourself, write to all major media outlets. W notatce załącz zaproszenie dla dziennikarzy na konferencje. Atrakcyjnie napisana notka prasowa potrafi ściągnąć na wydarzenie dawno niewidzianych reporterów. Dobrą zachętą dla dziennikarzy będzie również miejsce konferencji. Kto nie skusi się na wizytę w luksusowym a hotel on the lake?

Hotel Magellan specjalizuje się w organizacji eventów biznesowych. Goście tego ośrodka, wielokrotnie wskazują, że to co przyciąga tutaj świat biznesu to atrakcyjna turystycznie lokalizacja. Informacja o konferencji powinna trafić również do bazy Twoich klientów. W Internecie znajdziesz sporo darmowych platform e-mail marketingowych np. Freshmail. Wśród tej grupy z pewnością znajdą się osoby zainteresowane udział w Twoim biznesowym evencie.

If you care about online mentions, send the press release along with the invitation to influencers in your industry. The vision of showing up at an event, taking advantage of free products is a chance for influencers to promote themselves and their business. For your business, it's free advertising on the invited person's blog, vlog or social media.

Don't forget about research institutions, universities, foundations and associations. Such institutions are eager to engage in external initiatives. Cooperation with scientific institutions gives the opportunity to give the conference a more serious character. Which is not insignificant for the sake of conference promotions.

Google Adwords

System reklamowy Google proponuje reklamę w sieci wyszukiwania oraz w sieci reklamowej. Reklama będzie wyświetlała się na konkretnie słowa kluczowe np. konferencje w hotelu, ciekawe konferencje medyczne. W plenerze słów kluczowych dobierzesz słowa odpowiednie dla Twojego wydarzenia.

In the ad network, your conference will be promoted with graphic, banner or video ads.

Enabling Google Adwords advertising requires specialized skills. While you may be able to set up a company account on the platform yourself, as a beginner you may have trouble turning on relevant and effective advertising. We recommend using the services of an experienced person. A specialist will calculate the budget, suggest places to advertise and choose the right keywords.

Looking for a place for your conferences? Check out business proposal Magellan Hotel.