How do I protect my skin from UV radiation?

how to protect yourself from UV radiation

The ABC of skin protection

To avoid unpleasant consequences of staying in the sun (and the most common complications include burns, skin discoloration and excessive dryness) - primarily we should limit its exposure to sunlightand especially to excessive sunbathing. During intense heat, it is necessary to stay in the shade as much as possible, cover the body with clothes (airy) and absolutely remember about covering the head. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, which moisturizes the skin and prevents overheating and dehydration of the body. These recommendations are basic and absolutely necessary. In addition, we should also use other ways to protect the skin against UV radiation, which, however, require more deliberate steps.

Creams with UV filters

The most common way to protect skin from harmful UV rays is to use creams and lotions with the appropriate sunscreen (można je nabyć w drogeriach i aptekach). Aby jednak dobrać właściwy preparat, który zapewni nam optymalną ochronę, powinniśmy rozpoznać nasz typ skóry (rodzaj karnacji). W jaki sposób ustala się podział typów karnacji? Na podstawie obserwacji, jak reaguje skóra wystawiona na 30 minut na działanie słońca. Do tego określa się fototyp skóry (jej charakterystyczne cechy, które wpływają na czas, jaki możemy spędzić na słońcu bez skutków ubocznych).
Preparaty z filtrem UV należy stosować zawsze wtedy, gdy skóra wystawiona jest na działanie promieni słonecznych. A zatem – nie tylko latem, ale o każdej porze roku (a zwłaszcza podczas pobytu w górach).

Skin types

There are basically IV types of complexion. The first is very fair skin. People who have this skin type usually have a very light complexion, blue eyes and red or light blond hair. A characteristic feature of this type of skin is that it is difficult to tan, but it also tends to sunburn very easily. Therefore, creams with an SPF of 20-50+ are recommended for this skin type (allowing a longer stay in the sun).
The second type is light complexion. You can recognize this skin type by its moderately light complexion, blue or green eyes and medium blonde hair. With this type of skin, you'll tan gradually and, after sun exposure, the skin will be reddened for a while (before it turns brown). In this case, use a moderate sunscreen, preferably every few hours, to give your skin continued protection.
Both of the aforementioned complexion features are among the most problematic when it comes to complications from tanning.

In any case, the skin needs protection

There are two more skin types that are classified as sun resistant. People with this type of skin tan quickly and do not easily get sunburned. There are two skin types that are resistant to the sun. People with olive skin are generally grayish or brownish in color and have dark blonde or brown hair. It's easy to tan with this type of skin and it's quite difficult to get sunburned. This does not mean, however, that such skin should not be properly protected. In this case, creams with 15-20 SPF are recommended. Of course repeat application every few hours.
People with an olive complexion (skin type IV) are in the best situation. These people have dark skin and dark eyes, tan in bronze and are not likely to get sunburns (which doesn't mean they don't). People with this type of skin tan less visibly than those with fair skin. Appropriate protective cosmetics in this case should contain a sunscreen of 15-20 SPF.

The right food can help your skin

Not everyone knows this, but a very important role in protecting our skin from harmful UV rays is proper nutrition. Many foods, when we start eating them regularly, will protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays. What are these foods? First of all, foods that contain a high content of antioxidants, which not only protect but also strengthen our skin. Such products include especially chocolate, but only dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa (milk contained in sweet chocolate prevents absorption of polyphenols - substances acting in our body anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, also improving blood circulation). In addition to chocolate, it is also worth noting that black, white and green tea are effective in protecting against the sun's rays (not counting, of course, other valuable properties). These beverages - as well as dark chocolate - in addition to protecting the skin from harmful UV radiation, also help keep it looking young (especially white tea). Other recommended products are: pomegranate (both raw and in dietary supplements), broccoli (they have a strong anti-cancer effect and prevent sunburn). It is also worth noting the valuable effects of coconut oil, which can also be used to lubricate the skin (it is worth remembering that it should be unrefined oil). Tomatoes, green vegetables and omega 3 fatty acids (found in flax seeds, pumpkins and walnuts, among others) should also be added to this list. Some say that strawberries are also very important in UV protection, as they also have a significant effect on reducing damage to the skin's DNA.

Spa treatments - why mention them?

SPA Treatments Although they do not protect the skin from harmful UV rays, but they are one way to prepare it for the sun and properly care after sunbathing. Certainly before sunbathing it is good to perform a gentle peeling (so that the skin will tan evenly and more easily absorb skin care products). In addition, it is worth choosing a spa treatment, which will moisturize and cleanse the skin well - this will prevent dehydration and sagging. You should also bear in mind that peeling and cleansing treatments are not recommended when you already have a suntanIt is also easier to get irritated. Tanned skin needs to be moisturized and nourished (not only to prevent drying, but also to prevent premature aging and cellulite). You can also use spa treatments to soothe skin irritation. However - since it is necessary to first recognize the type of complexion and the degree of tanning (burns) - it is best to consult a qualified specialist. We invite you to take advantage of professional help and a long list of treatments: