Restaurant for a communion or christening. You can not forget about it

organization of christenings and communions in the restaurant

Family parties have long ceased to be modest dinners at the hosts' home. With the birth of the youngest member of the family we start the traditional family party marathon. We start with a christening party and usually end with a weddingAlong the way we have birthday parties including the famous birthdays, communions, 18's, 30's etc. There is really quite a lot of it. If not a family celebration at home, then where?

Table of Contents:

  1. Family party at home or at a venue?
  2. How much will we pay per plate?
  3. Animations for children

Obiad w domu? Czy jednak restauracja na chrzciny?

At the beginning there is a small quiz. We have prepared a few questions for you, the answers to which will allow you to decide whether this text is really for you.

  1. Are you facing the organization of baptism, communion?
  2. Do you live in a house or does your apartment have at least 70 m2?
  3. Are you ready for clutter and chaos in your living space?

Is everything clear now?

Of course, we do not doubt that you have organizational skills and preparing a party for your family at home is a piece of cake for you.
Organizing communion in a restaurant is simply simpler and more convenient. It is the premises for christenings that will take care of warm meals, clean plates, attractions for children. Admit it, this is quite a convenience. Convenient, professional, tasty, attractive. Yes, however, as you may have guessed all this, it comes at a price. It is in this article that we will answer the question, how much does it really cost to organize family events in restaurants and how to choose the best one?

venue for christenings łódzkie

A venue for a communion - for how much? where?

Family is the most important thing. Holy, unquestionably true words. Your special event in this case communion or baptism is, in a way, for the family. It's an important event for you so you invite your loved ones to a place that is supposed to charm them and, no denying, feed them well. It's supposed to be an eye-pleasing and stomach-pleasing celebration. Many factors will work for this effect. It is these elements that are worth considering when choosing a venue for a communion. Price for communion on the premises - a good restaurant generally offers customers 3 price packages, which differ in the number of meals and their type.

To coraz częstszy dylemat czy zapraszać z dziećmi skoro zjedzą mało, a zapłacimy jak za dorosłego. Otóż nie, w naprawdę dobrych lokalach możemy liczyć na zniżkę i warto o nią zawsze pytać. Wróćmy jednak do menu. Oprócz ciepłych posiłków w tej cenie, na stołach znajdziemy jeszcze zimne przystawki, bufet kawowy z ciastem i owocami oraz napoje. W cenie za tzw. talerzyk czasami otrzymujecie jeszcze coś. Dekoracje. Kwiatowe bukiety, pokrowce na krzesła, bieżniki, świeczki i czego tylko organizator sobie zażyczy. To jednak nie wszystko. O dodatkowych atrakcjach w tej cenie przeczytasz w dalszej części tego artykułu.

Let's further analyze the price of the so-called plate for christenings in a restaurant. Podobnie, jak w przypadku komunii – goście mają do wyboru kilka pakietów w kaskadzie cenowej tj. od 180 zł – 300 zł za osobę dorosłą. Jak wygląda cena za talerzyk za dzieci? Tutaj również jest dobra informacja, za najmłodszych płacimy 50% taniej. Zniżka dotyczy dzieci w wieku 4-12 lat. W cenie powyżej mamy zagwarantowane 3 dania gorące (półmiskowo lub dania serwowane), pamiętajcie, że ilość dań możemy zmniejszyć, jeżeli planujemy krótsze przyjęcie.

What will you be able to eat besides broth? Cold appetizers, sweet buffet (cakes, fruits), drinks, coffee and tea buffet.
The price for a communion party at a restaurant is obviously made up of many factors. Here we have the product itself + waiter service + venue rental (that is the so-called operating costs). The price per plate can change and it is always worth preparing for this.

How? Of course, we secure a contract with the restaurant. As a rule, it is the restaurant for baptism that will take care of the paragraph stating the possible increase, 20-30%. If there is no such paragraph, it is worth asking for it, so that you simply do not get cheated. The written percentage determines the risk of an increase, it may or may not be, and it is worth having it written on the contract with the premises. Are the aforementioned prices for the so-called plate exorbitant amounts? Can it be done more cheaply in a house with a garden? Both yes and no.

Of course, it all depends on the prices of the service providers who will be preparing the event for you.

We are talking about:

  • Catering company (food) + dishes, tablecloths
  • A company that will provide chairs, tables, armchairs, recliners, etc.
  • Decorations including flowers
  • Leisure time animator

Is communion and baptism in a restaurant really an expensive event? Now let's look at the elements that work for the success of a party at a hotel restaurant.

restaurant for communion lodzkie

Occasional task consultant

It is no longer a luxury, but simply a convenience that brides and grooms put the entire organization of the wedding in the hands of wedding consultants. The same is true for other family events. A good, elegant restaurant for christenings, communions and such family events has someone like an event consultant on their team. Such a man for special tasks, on special requests of clients. Option especially mandatory for busy parents who simply do not have time to choose the menu, decorations, etc.

An experienced consultant will tell us which dishes to choose, what style of decoration will be best for our reception.
If the restaurant offers the services of such a person for free, why not take advantage of it? Of course, we can not forget about the fact that it is, however, an employee of the place where we want to buy service and will probably suggest us to choose these components, so that the restaurant will come out well on it.

Dobrze, zgodzę się z tym, ale jednak to on zna najlepiej to miejsce, zna się na atrakcjach dla dzieci i wiele może podpowiedzieć. Oczywiście nie ze wszystkim mamy prawo się zgadzać. Co jeśli nasz lokal na komunię nie zatrudnia konsultanta od imprez? Nic straconego. Jeśli lokal organizuje sporo imprez okolicznościowych z pewnością ma w zespole po prostu dział lub osobę, która odpowiada za eventy. To właśnie oni będą przygotowywać dla nas umowę, wycenę i dbać o rezerwację.

Even at the first stage of the bidding process, it is to them that we should raise our questions.

Premises in picturesque surroundings

Should a restaurant for christenings have a garden? A pond, a lake on the premises? Wait, wait, it's not a wedding after all? But how about looking for such places? Communion receptions, baptisms have long ceased to be modest family gatherings over broth. They are elaborate micro weddings.

But where to look for such places? In a concrete city it is usually difficult to find restaurants with a garden and a playground for children.
The direction to look for is hotels, these generally have a lot to say when it comes to hosting family events.

Hotels with elegant restaurants for communion have gardens and are surrounded by forests. In short, there is somewhere to walk , and this is really already an attraction for guests. Isn't that the point of organizing special parties? The place should be pleasing to the eye, offer guests something more than just food and a place at the table. It has to provide an enjoyable time with the family outdoors. Yes the weather is also very important here. Just like weddings.

venue for christenings łódzkie

Children have a voice!

Skoro to najmłodsi są bohaterami wspomnianych imprez okolicznościowych, nie może zabraknąć dla nich atrakcji. Co powinno się znaleźć w menu zabaw? Wszystko zależy od miejsca, jak i naszego zasobności naszego portfela. Dobra sala na komunię zaoferuje nam usługi swojego amatora animacji, to usługa dodatkowo płatna. Lub występująca w tzw. pakiecie: komunijnym, weselnym itp. Wszystko zależy od animatora i miejsca, w którym się znajdujecie. Zabawa w terenie, pokazy tematyczne, fotobudka, puszczanie baniek, malowanie twarzy. No cóż, ogranicza nas tylko wyobraźnia. Skoro miejsce wyznacza ilość atrakcji, idźmy o krok dalej.

Hotel Magellan is a resort located in the heart of Lodz province. The event team in the communion package offers guests fun in the rope park and relaxation at the swimming pool. We must admit that this is only a comprehensive approach to special events. Who wouldn't want to take a dip in the pool on a hot day?

hotel for christening and communion lodzkie

Price preference for guests

We have reached the end. However, last but not least. The hall for christenings is not just altogether food and a place where the family will celebrate. A complex restaurant resort or the pub itself in a hotel offer their guests a number of additional services. Let's add that for free or at a really attractive price.
If you decide to organize a party in hotel with restaurantwhich we think is a good step, because we rent a place that has everything. We can take extra care of our guests.
How? Similarly as in the case of weddings, as guests of the hotel/restaurant we can count on accommodation at attractive, that is lower prices. The whole depends on the number of guests and duration of the event. If we are planning a not so small party, maybe we can negotiate a discount for additional attractions. What kind of attractions? It all depends on the complex we are in. These additional attractions are usually: spa treatments, rope park, horse stable, sailing cruises, etc.
So it remains to ask at the end. When organizing such a party at your home, are you able to take such complex care of your guests? Will you provide them with a number of attractions? Finally, let's try to answer together - are today's special events of the christening, communions, 18s deserve such a unique and elaborate setting?
At home or a restaurant? 😉