Especially in business, the saying fully applies: "as they see you, so they write you", so we must be aware that both our potential customers and clients evaluate us through the prism of every, even the smallest detail - from handshake and clothes to the decor of the conference room included. Therefore - if we want the assessment to be positive - we must take appropriate steps to make it happen.
First contact at a business meeting
They say first impressions are the most important - and as practice proves, there's a lot of truth in that. Some say that this is because we focus our attention the most in the first 30 seconds (This is why TV commercials usually don't last longer) - and that's how long we have to make a good impression at a business meeting. Of course - what happens next is not irrelevant, but the start is extremely important.
Greeting at a business meeting - prepare the right ground
The first step in contact with others (especially new people) is the greeting. It should be given great importance because it may determine how things will go further. If we do not put our interlocutors in a positive frame of mind at this point, it will be very difficult to convince them later on.
Some tips: The welcoming person should be the one who enters the place. If the person entering is a supervisor - those who are lower in rank should stand up. Ręki nie podaje się przez stół, ani przez biurko. In this regard, the priority belongs to the ladies - they should be the first to extend their hand. If they do not do it - the man does not have to take the initiative. Similarly - people of higher rank extend their hand first, and lower ones - wait for this gesture. The handshake is also important - it must not be abrupt, but firm. In general, it is necessary to show sensitivity in order not to give the impression of a pushy person.
Hats off to you, or what to wear to a business meeting
It is worth remembering that you should take off your outer clothes before greeting. And if we are the ones who receive guests, we should give them the opportunity to undress before we proceed to the official greeting. It is certainly not a good idea to keep your clothes on your lap or on the back of a chair. If the hanger is not within our sight - it is good to ask for a place where we can leave our clothes. If we are the hosts of the meeting - we should point it out to those who have arrived.
While this goes without saying - it doesn't hurt to be reminded that it's advisable to be at the meeting place well in advance so you don't come in breathless at the last minute. Set aside time to "catch your breath." Being distracted or disorganized will not work in your favor.
Attire for a business meeting can be crucial
Clothing is our business card - that goes without saying. Before someone asks about our skills or our offer - they will first look at the "packaging". If you're speaking on behalf of a company - you can't forget that (without too much exaggeration) your outfit represents it. It should certainly be appropriate to the situation and express respect for the interlocutors, but at the same time show our class and authority. And we certainly won't achieve this through careless, rumpled clothes, too sharp colors or exaggerated makeup. A skirt that's too short, hair that's loose, perfume that smells too pungent - they certainly won't help. Perhaps not everyone knows this, but it is very inadvisable for such occasions to have uncovered shoulders or feet. Similarly, if we overdo it with elegance, we may make our interlocutors uncomfortable, while we want to open them up to us. Therefore, we should remember moderation is always welcome.
The devil is in the details - the course of a business meeting
It happens more than once that the good impression we made at the beginning can be ruined by a seemingly minor "slip-up". The best example of this is the ringing phone at a key moment of the meeting or our nervous looking to see if we accidentally received a text message. Generally it is recommended that the phone is kept away from view during important calls. This will show respect to our interlocutors, but also show that we can manage our time properly and that our schedule is not chaotic.
However, if it is necessary to answer the phone - then it is a good tone to apologize to the callers and step aside so as not to disrupt the meeting. However, you can only do this if the relationship is relatively casual and no one feels offended by your behavior.
The exchange of business cards crowns a business meeting
The exchange of contacts and business cards is certainly an important part of a business meeting. After all, the acquaintances we make are to result in beneficial cooperation in the future. That is why it is so important that we behave, look and organization of a business meeting encouraged the other side to maintain contact. Imposing and pushy is never in good taste - it is more likely to discourage others than encourage them. Therefore, business cards should be exchanged discreetly and at the end of the meeting - as a crowning achievement.
Service staff - an important background to a business meeting
Ważne jest również otoczenie spotkania biznesowego – nie tylko jeśli chodzi o wystrój wnętrza, ale i o personel. To ważne, aby hostessy, kelnerzy czy inne osoby obsługujące salę konferencyjną czy salę, gdzie odbywa się spotkanie, były odpowiednio do tego przygotowane – potrafiły zachować dyskrecję, nie narzucać się, sprawnie odpowiadać na potrzeby gości, niepotrzebnie nie zwracały na siebie uwagi. Dlatego, aby zapewnić zaproszonym jak największy komfort i sprawić, by chcieli do nas wrócić – współpracujmy z tymi, którzy wiedzą, jak to się robi. Hotel Magellan*** has a long list of regular clients who rent conference rooms and rooms for business talks from us, because they have seen that this cooperation bears fruit and brings mutual benefits. It is better not to take risks, but to choose proven solutions. You are welcome!