Summer on the horizon? Book a lakeside spa vacation

spa vacation

Vacation, hot summer, beautiful sunny weather.

At work or on vacation, we want to present an impeccable figure, glowing skin and radiant complexion. Preparations for the summer season start as early as early spring. That's fine, but don't stop them with the beginning of the first summer months. This is when your skin needs turbo care.

In this article, we have compiled for you the best spa treatments for the vacations.

  1. Relaxation, spa, summer, lake vacation
  2. Summer spa package at the lake - what does it include?
  3. The best holiday treatments straight from the spa

Summer spa package on the lake

We agree that you can forgive yourself for a flawless appearance while on vacation. However, you can't let go of skin care. To make this one look healthy and radiant in the sun, you can't give up some moisturizing rituals.

Every one of us could use an express spa summer package that works wonders. At the lake, in the mountains, at the sea, literally everywhere you will find such an emergency kit. These wonders are hidden right in the spa hotels. SPA&Wellness Institutes have treatments on offer for every season. A visit to a hotel spa during the vacations is a combination of relaxation and body care. You can book spa treatments separately or by choosing a specific holiday package.

Okay, you'll probably think now that booking such a package borders on a miracle during the summer. The best deals will spread like fresh buns. That's not quite the case. Remember that you don't need a whole week in SPA, two three days of care and relaxation are enough. Of course, a real spa vacation at the lake is an extremely attractive offer.

Just think two weeks of blissful relaxation by the water, a daily visit to the spa, a morning class with a trainer by the pool. Such a vacation option will appeal to every woman. If you dream of just such a vacation, there is nothing to prevent you from buying such a marathon of pleasure. You can find offers of spa vacations at the lake, among other places. Magellan Hotel.

spa vacations on the lake

What spa treatment over the vacations to choose?

There's no denying it, summer is not kind to our skin. The sun's rays give our skin a beautiful brown color, but they can also severely dry it out. Rest assured that you don't have to hide your body from the sun, you just need to effectively protect yourself from the harmful UV rays. How? By using a series of sunscreens. The sun and high temperatures make our skin require more intensive care. It's mainly about nourishing and moisturizing. And don't kid yourself, a drugstore cream won't give us all-day skin hydration. An intensive nourishing night lotion will work wonders.

You can expect real results from a visit to a professional beauty salon or spa. To miejsca, które pracują na profesjonalnych, silnie nawilżających kosmetykach. W połączeniu z relaksem w jacuzzi i odpoczynkiem nad wodą mogą zdziałać cuda. Dodatkowo zachęcający jest fakt, że o odżywienie skóry dbać będziesz w urokliwym hotelu nad jeziorem. Summer spa package should not be a ready-made product for everyone.

If the hotel offers the possibility to "assemble" a package from the treatments we care about, that's great. After all, we ourselves know what our skin needs.

spa summer package

If you don't know which holiday treatments to choose, get a free consultation with a cosmetologist before your spa visit. Reputable spa hotels offer clients such a dermo-consultation. This is an extremely valuable meeting with a specialist who, based on research, will determine what our skin needs and which treatments are worth using. In addition, if the cosmetologist will be our guardian during the treatments, it will be easier and faster for him to assess the visible effects. If we have convinced you to vacation at a spa hotel on the lake, check out which spa treatments for your vacation are worth using.

Silhouette shaping massage

They bring total rest and relaxation. They calm the body, regenerate the organism, give strength. Relaxation massage should be a mandatory part of such a summer spa vacation package. At the lake, at the beach you will relax on a deck chair, take a sunbath, splash in the water. After an active day, you will relax on a bed under the care of a masseur.

Such a session is actually recommended to everyone, especially people who do sedentary work. If you have the opportunity, use this treatment as often as possible. Your spine will thank you for it 😉 .

spa vacations on the lake

Since we want to look flawless in the summer, it's worth reaching for massages, which attention models the figure. In the hotel's SPA you will find sensational massages that gather only good reviews.

It is a fitness, dynamic, body shaping massage (abdomen, thighs and buttocks). Która z nas nie chciałaby właśnie w taki sposób „pracować” nad szczupłą sylwetką? Ty będziesz leżeć, a masażysta zadba o to, by Twoje ciepło było jędrne, nawilżone i pozbawione grama tłuszczu. Jaki jest cena tej przyjemności?

Another suggestion is a Chinese bubble massage. This is an intensive massage of a selected body part, a non-invasive method of fighting cellulite. You will find plenty of articles on the Internet about the effectiveness of this method.

The Chinese bubble has become a permanent fixture in beauty salons. Its effects are visible after the first treatment. While we write about the advantages of body massage, we can't help but mention facial massage.

Among the most popular is the lifting facial massage, which eliminates signs of fatigue and swelling. Dodatkowo napina skórę, unosi mięśnie i poprawia owal twarzy. To taki lifting bez skalpela. Masaż modelujący sylwetkę to pierwszy etap w uzyskaniu wymarzonej figury, tworząc swój pakiet lato spa, nie zapomnij o tym ważnym zabiegu spa na wakacje.

spa treatments for the summer

Exfoliation + moisturizing

Moisturizing, moisturizing and more moisturizing. That's what your skin needs, especially in summer.

At spa institutes, you will find a series of hydromassages. What is it?

It is a combination of massage and bath. Not the usual kind, though. Woda jest wypompowywana z dysz pod wysokim ciśnieniem. Uderza w mięśnie, powodując ich rozluźnienie. Tak wygląda mechanizm co z pielęgnacją. Wszystko zależy od rodzaju kąpieli. My na letnie upały szczególnie polecamy: kąpiel perełkową, która jest hydromasażem z ozonoterapią, kąpiel Kleopatry z pudrem mlecznym to prawdziwa uczta dla zmysłów i ciała. Na liście zabiegów spa na wakacje nie może zabraknąć nawilżających kuracji na twarz. Kiedy słońce zbyt mocno przypieka nam twarz, zwykły krem nawilżający nie wystarczy.

We found an awesome moisturizing treatment called Beauty Hydration Ritual at one of the lakeside resorts. It brings soothing relief to skin in need of hydration.

spa vacations on the lake

Among the effective, hydration-enhancing skin treatments, oxybrasion is also worth mentioning. This is simply a water-oxygen scrub that effectively exfoliates dead skin. What results can be expected? The skin is nourished, smoothed and moisturized. Even after the first treatment, the skin takes on a healthy, bright appearance.

Jednak aby utrzymać efekt promiennej, pełnej blasku skóry zabieg oxybrazji należy powtórzyć co 3-4 tygodnie. Zabieg nie należy do najtańszych, dlatego warto na niego polować. Często pojawia się w pakietach pobytowych wczesną wiosną oraz latem.

Non-invasive treatments

Endermologie, though, is not one of the typical summer seasonal treatments. There is no denying that it is among the most effective non-invasive body contouring treatments. What's more, it provides excellent results in combating excess weight and cellulite.

It's a treatment designed for people who spend hours at the gym with no visible results. Z organizmu usuwane są toksyny oraz nadmiar płynów. Dodatkowo zabieg delikatnie złuszcza i eliminuje obumarłe komórki naskórka. To złuszczanie i wyszczuplanie w jednym. Jeden seans trwa ok. 35 minut, w takcie których wykonywany jest masaż limfatyczny ciała. Koszt? Uzależniony jest od czasu trwania zabiegu.  Endermologia ciała to zabieg, który należy wykonać w kilku seriach , żeby uzyskać pożądany efekt.

Weekend relaxation in a hotel You can combine it with a pleasant fight with unnecessary kilograms. If you do not find a package that offers endermologie in the hotel's offer, please contact the hotel staff who will prepare a customized package for you.

spa summer package

Relaxation in the wellenss area

Po serii zabiegów w SPA czas na błogi relaks w strefie wellness. To zrozumiałe, że w trakcie wakacji chcemy świetnie wyglądać, dlatego szczególnie my kobiety dość intensywnie korzystamy z dobrodziejstw SPA.

Nie zapominajmy jednak o starym sprawdzonym przepisie na świetny wygląd. It's a rest!

Wypoczęta, zrelaksowana po urlopie spędzonym w hotelu spa, sama zauważysz zmiany w swoim wyglądzie. Korzystaj z zabiegów oferowanych w SPA i nie zapomnij o odprężających kąpielach w jacuzzi oraz o prozdrowotnym działaniu saun. Strefa wellness to świątynia relaksu, warto spędzić tam nawet kilka godzin. Wakacje w spa nad jeziorem to oferta dla tych, którzy chcą odpocząć i zadbać o swój wygląd.