Conferences in SPA? How to combine business with pleasure

conference in a spa hotel

Business meetings and conferences can be very exhausting. Hence spa stay at the end of the day can have a beneficial effect on both our mental and physical well-being. What's more, it can also make our customers and clients feel better. SPA Conferences It is also a great motivation for our employees.

A serious conference and a spa? Isn't it mutually exclusive?

Pewnie hasło „konferencja” albo „spotkanie biznesowe” wielu osobom kojarzy się ze zmęczeniem, stresem i spięciem. Najogólniej – z ciężką pracą. Raczej nikt nie skojarzy tych haseł z relaksem i odpoczynkiem. I dlatego właśnie – czas to myślenie zmienić. Obecnie bardzo popularne stają się SPA conferences, i.e. business meetings combined with rest and relaxation. They have a number of advantages that are definitely worth taking advantage of.

Spa conferences - a great bonus for guests

It is obvious that we organize conferences and business meetings in order to win over clients and contractors. It is easy to guess that the better impression we make on them, the better further cooperation will proceed. Beautiful auditoriumGreat cuisine and friendly service - this is already a standard that does not surprise anyone too much. A certain element of surprise, however, may be SPA relaxationIf you include it with your invitation. Not only will it be the crowning glory of the day, but it will also have a very positive impact on your brand image. If the guests are satisfied, it will definitely speak in our favor.

Conference with a stay in SPA - perfect regeneration

SPA Conferences not only are they a representational factorThe relaxation of the event will not only remove fatigue and negative emotions, but it will also increase your vitality and mental strength. Such relaxation not only removes fatigue and negative emotions, but also increases vitality and mental strength. With a fresh, open mind and in a good mood it will be easier to take on the challenges of the next day, especially if they are emotionally exhausting. Our contractors or clients will also be much more open to us and willing to negotiate, if they feel that we actually care about their needs. That is why conferences in SPA are a great idea.

Spa stay during a conference - a good way to integrate

As it is known - business meetings have quite formal and rigid course. It is difficult to make closer acquaintances or allow for more private conversations. That is why It becomes very useful when we can spend time in less formal circumstances. In this case a stay at the SPA, pool or sauna can be of great importance. If we manage to establish friendly contacts with our guests during that time - it will be easier to cooperate on a professional level.

Employee bonuses - why not a spa stay?

Spa relaxation is also a great motivational tool for our employees. If we want to encourage them to work more efficiently, make them think well of their employer, or simply take care of them - we can do it. SPA stay will be a perfect solution. Not only will it allow them to recuperate and relax, but it will also allow them to establish beneficial business relationships that may become useful in the company's future operations.

Hotel MAGELLAN *** Business & Spa

Magellan*** Conference Center is an ideal place for a professional conference or training, which meets the highest standards of quality. Certainly, we are a facility that you will not be ashamed of in front of your guests. Undoubtedly, our greatest advantage is functionality. On the area of 1480 square meters we can accommodate up to 1000 people, in as many as 8 rooms. Additionally - you can enjoy great cuisine, hotel rooms and a nightclub and SPA & Wellness Institute on site.

Professional approach and relaxation

Hotel MAGELLAN *** Business & Spa pozwala łączyć profesjonalne konferencje i szkolenia wraz z możliwością odpoczynku i relaksu. Nasze doświadczenie pokazuje, że takie połączenie przynosi optymalny efekt. A zatem – jeśli chcemy odnieść sukces i przekonać do naszej marki uczestników konferencji czy szkolenia – warto zainwestować także w relaks.

It is certainly not an expense that will not pay for itself. The good impression we leave behind is priceless to our business contacts.

Good location - a detail not to be overlooked

An unquestionable advantage of the Conference Center Magellan Hotel jest też doskonała lokalizacja. Pozwala ona nie tylko zaoszczędzić cenny czas na dojazd, ale również uniknąć niepotrzebnych komplikacji (dojazd jest łatwy). Mimo tego, że obiekt znajduje się blisko Łodzi – to jednak z dala od zgiełku miasta (hałasu i zanieczyszczonego powietrza). Z pewnością warto ten aspekt wziąć pod uwagę decydując się na wybór sali konferencyjnej. Pozwoli to nie tylko uniknąć zakłóceń podczas wykładów czy innych wystąpień, ale również będzie miało niebagatelny wpływ na odpoczynek i relaks zaproszonych gości. Sulejowski Lagoon and Landscape Parkwhich are located in the surroundings of our center will certainly contribute to the full satisfaction of our customers.