Organizing a team building event in a hotel. How much does it cost?

organization of a team-building event at the hotel

Behind the successes of any company are the people. Employees of the company, who as a team fight every day for customer satisfaction, consumer laurels, awards of recognition in the industry. I don't think anyone needs to be convinced anymore that organizing training and team-building events for employees is an investment that will pay off.

If you are facing the challenge of creating such an event for your company,

start with your budget and our article. Because it is here that we will reveal how much it really costs to organize a team-building event in a hotel in Lodz province. Here we go!

  1. Types of corporate events. For whom the integration event?
  2. What is included in the price of a team-building event at a hotel?
  3. How much does it cost to rent a conference room?
  4. Additional attractions = additional costs?

Organizing a team building event in a hotel in Lodz province. Why and for whom?

Your business is doing really well, your company is growing, your products are disappearing from store shelves like hot buns. Your employees are a close-knit, efficient team that records sales year after year. Great!

Such employees should be rewarded. A bonus? Vouchers? A company trip to a hotel?

Why not, after all, it has not been known for a long time that the best system for motivating employees is the one in the form of cash, material rewards or in the form of a company trip to a three-star hotel. Let's focus on the latter form of employee motivation. If your company is experiencing sales success, it's a sign that your team are born salespeople, specialists at heart. Perhaps success lies in investing in your employees.

How? It's easy, by sending employees to training courses and workshops, organizing company events and team building trips for them. Let's recall, in a really big nutshell, the most important company events that are worth organizing.

A. Training

Organized for employees for one specific purpose. The team is supposed to acquire new important skills, expand knowledge, gain new qualifications. Our suggestion? There's no need to save money on training, and certainly on a trainer. You need to hire a professional to conduct a professional course. Organization of training in a hotel The most important thing is to be sure that the event will be professionally prepared.

Knowledge transferred in the right way and under the right conditions brings excellent results.  To conduct training at a hotel you need to hire conference room As well as provide a coffee break. To help you, you still have professional staff who have literally eaten their teeth at business events.

B. Team building events

These are events that employees look forward to all year. They really are. Ask your colleagues at work. Social event may take the form of an employee trip to some tourist resort.

It can be simply an event for employees combined with creative workshops, team games.  As a rule, companies choose to organize team building events in a hotel. The price? This one, unfortunately, depends on many factors. In the cost of organization you will find the rental of the conference room, meals, accommodation and additional hotel services. You will find out exactly how much it costs to organize a team-building event in a hotel in Lodz province in a moment. In the rest of the article we will break down this cost into factors;)

C. Corporate events

Yes is a very general term. In the bag with the word corporate events, we put important events for the company. Anniversaries, new contracts, industry awards, global company successes.

Taka corporate event combined with an evening gourmet banquet, band performance and accommodation for guests Is the most expensive option for a corporate event. The cost? From several to even tens of thousands of zlotys. The corporate events described above are among the most popular, that is, most often organized by companies. Each of them differs in size, scope of services and cost of organization. When answering the question of which type of event it is worth or even necessary to organize. Consider what business purpose the corporate event is supposed to fulfill. In our article we will focus on our familiar backyard and answer the question, how much does it cost to organize a team-building event in a hotel in Lodz province?

What is the price of a team building event at a hotel?

Zacznijmy od kwestii najważniejszej. Zanim wyślesz zapytanie ofertowe do danego hotelu, musisz wiedzieć, kiedy dokładnie odbędzie się Twoja impreza, ilu uczestników będzie brało w niej udział oraz dla ilu osób planujesz nocleg w hotelu? Druga kwestia to usługi hotelowe.

Have you wondered what you'll need for a hotel team building event? Will you need a conference room, outdoor area? Usually the price of organizing such an event at a hotel includes: accommodation, conference/training room, meals and lodging. This price already depends on the nature of the event, the rooms needed, the number of meals and additional services. Remember that we are writing here about the costs you will incur if you are organizing the event yourself and only choose the venue for the event.

If the organization of the integration is handled by an event company, which will take care of the preparation of the scenario, the theme of the event, you have to prepare for an additional cost. Of course, you can draw on the experience of the business event sales team, use their proven tips, it's a rather free service.

Conference room rental cost

After all, it's a team-building event, so there can be no shortage of joint creative workshops, group struggles, and puzzles and riddles. During these team activities you will integrate as a team, learn new skills, get to know each other. And like joint intellectual struggles, you absolutely must have a conference or training room.

The hotel offers rental of the conference room itself, e.g. for a one-day or several-hour training, or integration package,

which includes the rental of a training room. Największe zainteresowanie eventami firmowymi, hotele odnotowują od marca do czerwca oraz w okresie wrzesień-październik. Wiedząc to, nie czekaj z rezerwacją hotelu na swój event, najlepsze miejsca szybko przestaną być dostępne.

Dlaczego wspominam o tym? Aby uświadomić Ci, że na cenę organizacji imprezy integracyjnej w hotelu w województwie łódzkim, nie ma wpływu dany sezon turystyczny. W czerwcu nie będzie drożej, jak również, nie będzie taniej w listopadzie. Piszemy o cenach  hotelu w województwie łódzkim, nie w kurorcie turystycznym (góry, nad morzem). Oczywiście możesz liczyć na promocje, w okresach mniejszego zainteresowania. Pozostaje Ci bacznie obserwować oferty wybranych hoteli w regionie.

But let's return to the topic of the price of renting a conference room. It depends on the area and the time for which the room is booked. W Magellan Hotel You can rent the room for 4 hours or 8 hours per day.

Druga kwestia wielkość sali. Salę o powierzchni 50m2, salę konferencyjną mierzącą 305 m2. Co otrzymujemy w tej cenie? To w pełni profesjonalnie wyposażona sala na szkolenie czy konferencję.

There are: working audio equipment, microphones, projector, projector. These are properly lit and air-conditioned business rooms. When booking, be sure that the room you are interested in has all of these things on board. Beware of offers in which the hotel offers an overhead projector, chairs or air conditioning for an additional fee. This is an outright scam. The rooms in professional business checkout hotels are professional rooms prepared for the needs of the business client.

If not a conference room, then what?

Well, organizing a conference in a hotel in Lodz province is not limited to team activities in a conference room. Do you want to surprise your employees?

Think about renting the outdoor area next to your hotel. It can be a forest amphitheater or a garden. In such an exclusive reserved place you can organize a bonfire, barbecue or outdoor team games.

Outdoor team building events are becoming increasingly popular. Dodatkowo organizowane w okresie letnim, są namiastką wakacyjnego urlopu z kolegami. Możesz wynająć np. amfiteatr.

Accommodation and meals. If your team-building trip will last several days, it's obvious that event participants will spend the night in a hotel.

Accommodation is a cost that goes into the price of organizing a team building event at a hotel. The price really depends on the number of people who will be staying at the resort.

Co istotne, jeśli na swój event wybraliście hotel spa, pamiętajcie, że w cenie noclegu uczestnicy imprezy otrzymują śniadanie oraz nielimitowany wstęp na strefę Wellness (basen, sauny, jacuzzi). Cena noclegu dla uczestników to w przypadku imprez firmowych zawsze kwestia indywidualna. Koszt noclegu wyliczany jest na podstawie ilości uczestników imprezy. Można się spodziewać, że im więcej osób będzie nocowało w hotelu, tym mniej zapłacisz na nocleg. To jeden z rabatów, na który możesz, liczyć organizując imprezy integracyjne w hotelu.

We write more extensively about this topic a little further on.

We are still left with the question of meals. Buying accommodation in the price we also have breakfast. Subsequent planned meals, i.e. lunch, dinner, are already paid extra. Not every conference organizer remembers this, so when booking a hotel, ask the sales department to include meals in the quote.

Additional services

Na imprezie integracyjnej w hotelu, nie samym jedzeniem i noclegiem człowiek żyje. Dlatego w programie swojej imprezy firmowej, pomyśl o dodatkowych atrakcjach. Nasze propozycje? Jeżeli Twoi pracownicy będą bawić się w hotelu SPA, pomyśl o relaksującym masażu dla uczestników wyjazdu. Jeśli nie masaż, to może peeling, albo jakiś zabieg na ciało? Ceny takich pakietów, zestawów ustalisz z działem sprzedaży hotelu. Pamiętaj, że spa treatments is always an additional paid service.

However, this is not the end of additional costs. If your guests want to play billiards or go on a bicycle tour during the break, you as the organizer will have to pay for it.

On request and of course for an additional fee, the hotel will prepare for your guests a barbecue or bonfire in the garden,

develops the route in the rope park, organizes the evening party in the hotel disco and prepares sports equipment. Zastanów się, jakich atrakcji oczekują Twoi pracownicy? Czy  po wielogodzinnych warsztatach w sali konferencyjnych, będziecie mieć ochotę na odprężający masaż czy będziecie mieć ochotę na taneczne szaleństwo na parkiecie? Skorzystaj z opinii pracowników oraz z doświadczenia hotelu. Dział sprzedaży odpowiedzialny za wydarzenia biznesowe, podpowie, które usługi cieszą się największą popularnością, które atrakcje warto zorganizować. Taki dział specjalistów służy swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem.

Take advantage of this.

Discounts and promotions

After all, each of us likes to buy something cheaper. The organization of a team-building event in a hotel, among the cheapest is not. Here you would like to save money, that order less and already the price flies down by a few zlotys. However, you will not always pay less if you order something less. In the case of the hotel industry, you can count on a discount or rebate when you book more. Yes, really.

Rabaty w dużej mierze zależą od ilości gości, oraz ilości noclegów i dotyczą głównie pokoi oraz sal konferencyjnych. chough there is no denying that you can also count on a discount on spa services. You arrange everything individually with the sales department. If your team-building event at the hotel is an intimate event, for a dozen or so people, the search for promotions should start with browsing offers during the period of lower interest.

The biggest boom, hotel industries register in the periods March - June, September - October. For business offers at a lower price, look from January to February.

Winter integration at a hotel can also be a successful corporate event. 

If you are looking for a hotel to organize a team building event for your company, check out Magellan Hotel offer.

It is a modern SPA&Business hotel with considerable experience in organizing corporate events.